Selection process for admission to the PPGH


The admission in the Graduate Program in Human Geography (PPGH) of FFLCH / USP occurs once a year in the second semester. The notice of selection is often published in February and the selective process generally starts in April.

As described in the norms of the program, the selection for admission in Master and Doctorate courses in Human Geography consists of the following steps: (a) foreign language proficiency exam (qualifying stage) *; (b) written exam of specific knowledge (qualifying stage); and (c) analysis of the research project and oral evaluation about it (qualifying and ranking stage).

The research project must refer to a theme related to one of the seven lines of research of the PPGH (link).


* Foreign applicants to PhD and Master degree are required to be proficient in the Portuguese language, as demonstrated through the presentation of the certificate of proficiency in Portuguese Language for foreigners, CELPE-BRAS or equivalent, intermediate level.

The foreign candidate that demonstrates proficiency in Portuguese in the Master, will not be required this language examination for the PhD.

In addition to the Portuguese language proficiency, the foreign candidate must demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language for the Master and in two foreign languages for the PhD course. The candidate can choose the following languages: English, French, Spanish and Italian. In case of the candidate has as native language one of these idioms, he (she) is exempt from attesting the proficiency in said language. In other cases, the proficiency must be demonstrated through Proficiency Examination performed during the selection process or through certificates recognized by the Program (see PPGH rules and regulation).